

7" split with GK from Seattle finally pressed and finished
through God Sags His Pants Records!!!
-100 copies

A. Swim Ignorant Fire
1. Kites
1. My R1 was Jammed
2. Hockey Fight

I met Spike (GK) somewhere in the east coast, while we were both touring with separate projects roughly 2 years ago. We exchanged music and have kept in touch ever since, This split has been in the works since the summer of 2008 and am so exited to have it finally available. Spike was in a band called Big Black Cloud from Michigan and they have an independent label God Sags His Pants Records, and this 7" will be available through them or ....us (Spike and I).

The split includes an additional CD insert for the rest of the split:
1. Nebraska (Esprit de l'escalier)
2. Kites
3. Onomonapei Soup
4. If He Died, Atleast He Tried
5. Jeans with High Heels

GK's myspace
God Sags His Pants Records

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